Monday, October 7, 2013

Charlie's Turning One!

I know I've been slacking in the blogging department so I'd like to share this shoot I did a week ago! 

Her name is Charlie and I swear she looks like a Gerber baby!

 Her sweet Mom Adria found me through my friend Jana. I had taken Jana and her (then) boyfriend Justin's pictures in the spring. Charlie is the niece of Justin. So it just goes show you how a little advertising and word of mouth goes a long way! Thanks for the reference Jana! Oh, and I also referred to Justin as her "then" boyfriend because they are now engaged! Congratulations you two! :) 

Congrats Jana & Justin!

Now back to Charlie! This shoot was really cute and simple and Charlie was the perfect baby. She was just so darn happy and you could tell why .. she has two parents who absolutely adore her! Adria and her husband Travis helped me out with getting all the smiles and attention. I had a pink and white polka dot background, a "present" and a few balloons. I feel that the more "busy" you get with props the focus gets pulled from the baby a bit. I think the turn out was great!

When we were done with that part of the shoot we drove to the apple orchard that's a hop skip and a jump from my house! I had used my famous "stand" that my wonderful husband put together to make a apple stand for Charlie. Once I had got all the shots that I wanted I took a few family pictures. At this point you could tell Charlie was getting a little tired but she was a trooper and stayed smiling! 

 Thank you Adria, Travis & Charlie! I had a wonderful time and I hope you're pleased with everything! 


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